Meet Amy
I have struggled with the answer when asked, "What do you do?" and it isn't work-related. Ultimately, we settled on that I find things and untangle things. But I also read (a lot), pretend to wake surf, and watch Hallmark films.
I am overwhelmed by how many people in my family have fought the huge fight that cancer requires. Of those that have fought with the beast, only one has fallen from the fight. I pray the fight continues to be won by each member it attacks.
My dad was a 25 year old professional football […]
I am a fairly emotional person.
I am easily affected by outside influences.
I often internalize the pain that others are going through.
Other’s tragedies have, at times felt as if they were my own.
But, unlike those who own the tragedy, I do not have the constant reminders that they have.
I drive past […]
As part of the Back2Blogging Challenge, we are supposed to write about a woman who inspires us. I have been looking for an excuse to write about this amazing woman and this week I have two reasons. Back2Blogging and Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. Please be sure to check the others posts about inspiring women.
… about the strangest things.
One of the many things that I obsessed about as a child was based partially on stories from the news but also from my imagination. To this day, I still question what parts of my memories were based on reality and which were based on my imagination.
I was 13 […]
Growing up, my family had brown-eyed girls and blue-eyed boys. To me, that was what was normal. Then I met Scott. He had brown eyes and his mom had blue. That was totally backwards. But, I always wished I had blue eyes so I figured I might end up with a blue-eyed girl […]