Meet Amy

I have struggled with the answer when asked, "What do you do?" and it isn't work-related. Ultimately, we settled on that I find things and untangle things. But I also read (a lot), pretend to wake surf, and watch Hallmark films.

Amy's bookshelf: 2024

The Weekend Away
it was amazing
So so good! Orla and Kate are long-time best friends off on a girls' weekend away. Kate is a bit of a player who is trying to get back at her soon-to-be-ex, causing her to spend frivolously and do drugs and hook-ups. Orla is a new mom ex...
tagged: 2024, audible-books, five-stars, thriller, and thoughtful
Written Off
really liked it
tagged: 2024, cozy, easy, and four-stars
Maybe Next Time
really liked it
Parts were a screaming 5 and parts were like “what?” And just irritated me. It is a Groundhog Day premise about a family of four - the mom is caught up in her own life and missing all that is going on around her with her kids and then he...
tagged: 2024, audible-books, fiction, four-stars, and thoughtful

My Absence...

Please excuse my absence the past few days and the next couple of days.  I am in the middle of end of quarter/ end of year.  If I manage to get some free time I will post about Christmas and the life my girls have led this week with me working and Scott working from home.  Until then, I hope you miss me. 🙂


I've learned I'm...

When I was young, I was constantly told, “Amy, you are NOT your performance.”

For years I worked on having a good self-image no matter the reality that I was not the best at everything.

A few years after Scott and I got married, I was really struggling with the whole concept that I am not my performance.   I was mad at myself because everyone around me was better at one thing or another than I was.  Whether it was cleaning, cooking, shopping, yard work, getting their baby to sleep through the night, laundry, teaching, writing ads or having patience with their children.  Everyone seemed to be doing better at something than I was.

Scott pointed out that I take everyone’s very BEST quality and compare them to me.

That is a lesson I have had to learn and relearn over the years.

This past year I had to learn that lesson again.  I tend to say, “well, if so-and-so can be successful at blogging-photography-cooking, then why shouldn’t I be?”

Well, here is why so few people are able to be “successful” (in the order of importance, in my humble opinion)…

1. Luck

2. Being in the right place at the right time

3.  Knowing the right people

4.  Practice

5.  Skill

I’ve learned that I am not the best writer nor the best photographer.  But with practice, I am getting better at both.  Even if I were AMAZING at both, I’m not a “lucky” person.  (And that is because I don’t do well at seizing chance opportunities, creating positive self-fulfilling prophecies and I do not have a resilient attitude).

I write nearly every day because I love writing.  Not because I will ever be a “professional blogger”.  I love documenting my family’s life and sharing the lessons I’ve learned and the ways I’ve made the trifecta a reality in my home.  At the beginning of the year, I thought I wanted to be a “dooce” or a Ree or even a Nie.  (See my problem with comparing myself to others?)  Now, I have realized, the most important thing about my blog(s) is that I write because I love to and because it is an awesome documentation for my great grandkids.

My photography dream will also always be just that, a dream.  I wish I could spend lots of time developing my talent and building a wonderful business.  I look at Susan Stripling, Natalie Norton and Becky Earl with envy.  They are moms that have made their dream a career – a hugely successful career.  This year, I learned (or came to terms with) the fact that the chance for me to make a career out of my photography is not going to happen.  It is my hobby.  A hobby that I love.  I can photograph friends.  I can document the growth of babies.  I can take pictures of friend’s newborns in their first few hours of life.  I can capture parties and special moments.   But I will not be replacing my income.  I will not be flying all over the country or world capturing nuptials.  And I’m going to continue studying photography and learning all that I can.  Because taking picture makes me happy and it is one more way that I am leaving my legacy.

So, I am not my performance.  It is wonderful that I am not validated by how much money I can make doing the things I love.  In the end, what matters most is that my husband and daughters know that they are my world and nothing matters more to me than them.

**What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?


Sickness and the Holidays

This fall our house has been full of sniffles and coughs and fevers, and even some vomiting.   It hasn’t been fun and now I’m very ready for spring.  That way everyone can run and play and burn off that sickness that is getting passed from one of us to the next.

Ivy seems to be the strongest against this “common cold” that the doctors say we’re passing around.  Ivy gets her fevers.  But other than that she’s nearly always healthy.  Plus her fevers don’t keep her down and there is no contagion, so life continues despite her 102+ fevers for 3 days.

Nearly always healthy.

Which means that when she’s complaining of a “tummy ache” I don’t usually take her very seriously.  Last week I learned my lesson.

Driving home from taking Jade to gymnastics, Ivy said, “Mom, my tummy hurts.”  To which I off-handedly commented, “oh sweetie, you’ll be fine.  We’re almost home,”

“No mommy, I think I’m going to throw up.”

I dumped out a gift bag that Jade had from school and handed it back to her.

While I’m driving, I’m hearing her quietly spit into the bag.  (Of course I threw the bag away).

So, we made it home without incident and walked into the family room with arms full of book bags and coats.  Ivy put down the gift back and started walking to the couch.

I was on my phone, luckily with a friend and not a work call, when Ivy says, “Mom, I really don’t feel…..”

Just as I bend down to check on her, her hand goes to her mouth and vomit sprays out between her little fingers all over my FACE, my hair, my wool coat and dry clean only skirt.  She continued to fill my cupped hands while we shuffled off to the bathroom.

She got to soak in a nice warm bath and felt considerably better after cleaning out her tummy.

So far, Ivy has thrown up four times in her life.  The score is 2 times in Scott’s car (both times were driving up the canyon), 1 time in her bedroom and 1 time in the family room.  We’ve got to teach this girl about toilets and/or bowls or “barf bags”.

It will be a long time before I can eat pineapple or yogurt again.

Now on to enjoy the holidays – just as soon as Jade’s “common cold” clears up and she can sleep through the night.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


The BEST Christmas gift EVER!!!

Scott and I aren’t much into the Black Friday shopping.  We did it our first year married and got so frustrated that everything we got up super early for was sold out by the time we got through the lines.  Granted that was nearly 10 years ago and Black Friday wasn’t quite as big of a deal as it has evolved into.

This year we bought one gift on Black Friday.  It was actually the gift that my parents gave our family.  Scott was checking his emails and found a deal on CityDeals.

It was the Pass of all Passes.  A season pass to Trafalga in Orem and Lehi, Seven Peaks in Provo and all of the Owls and Flash games you could ever want to see.

We knew it would be a fun gift and one that would help us with our quest to always enjoy today.  We had no idea the extent of excitement that it would generate with our two little girls.

Jade threw herself on the floor and said, “I can’t say ‘thank you’ enough!  This is the best Christmas present EVER!!!”  She was even more excited when she found out that there are others in our extended family that will be receiving the “best Christmas gift ever”.

So, this year, Black Friday provided us with a full year of fun fun fun!  I’m really excited about fun family activities that we don’t have to pay for every time we go.  Hopefully it will mean that we all get really good at miniature golf and the batting cages.


Snowball fight...

And the winner was not Jade.  But she and Ivy had a blast playing in the snow.  They were out there for over an hour.  Needless to say they were soaked through to the bone.  Nothing a little hot chocolate couldn’t cure.  Oh and in case you were wondering, when Scott makes hot chocolate for his girls he uses milk and tops with freshly whipped whip cream and chocolate shavings.  Yes, it is true, he loves us.

Wordish Wednesday
