As a parent, we expect our children to learn a lot of important lessons during their time with us. I think that sometimes we forget that we are also learning and unless we realize what we are learning, we won’t be able to improve. This week has been filled with lessons that I have learned. 1. Children will try something when they are ready, not when you want them to. We have had a boat for just about a year, and Ivy has not had any desire to get in the water to swim around but would do so begrudgingly. This past Saturday, Ivy was the first to ask if she could swim in the lake and was begging any time we stopped the boat.
2. Bribery does work. Jade has suddenly quit wanting to wake board. But, for cash towards her roller blades she is will to work on going over the wake and just might try a jump or two.
3. Letting a soon to be 2nd grader read quietly to herself does not mean that she is really reading. Apparently we need to have read out loud time instead of just reading time. 4. Jillian’s 30 Day Shred is much more fun when your 7 year old does it with you.
5. If you are dieting, Denny’s is not the restaurant for you. Although, on Tuesdays and Saturdays our Denny’s does children eat free. Our girls LOVE breakfast food for dinner and they really enjoy Denny’s.
6. Just because Dad thinks the kids will enjoy “Men in Black” does not mean that it won’t keep them up for several nights afterwards.
7. If your kids are arguing with each other, it helps to assign them something to do together for a set amount of time. If you add a consequence for fighting during this assigned play then it will work even better. (Also wise not to go in and try and take a picture of them getting along). So, there you have it. The things I learned about being a parent this week. What have you learned recently?
I have learned that Applebees’s has a good menu for dieters! Calorie and WW points! It really does taste good, and if I order form that menu, I’ll order one of the chocolate mousse shooters! Its a chocolate dessert in a shot glass, or similar, so it is very small!
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:27 pm
Applebee’s? I’ll have to remember that. They also have a gluten free menu.
Haha! So funny!
I don’t think I would let my boys watch Men in Black. They would be afraid of the “monsters” for days!
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:26 pm
Ghostbusters is another one to stay away from
Twitter: caigraham
Hi There Amy
Great post ! I am over from the 31DBBB challenge, my lesson that I have learnt recently ?
Everyone you meet is better than you at something !
Looking forward to catching up again x
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:25 pm
My husband always reminds me of the lesson you shared. He has to remind me that I can’t compare my non-talents with other people’s talents.
i meant “cleaner” – oops!
i’ve learned that my house stays A LOT cleaning having only one kid at home while camp grandma is raging.
Twitter: RandomCoolChick
I hear ya on kids only doing something when they’re ready, not when you want them to. Princess Nagger at 7 has been teaching me that, too.
Love your list – and all the pictures perfectly sum everything up! 
Ooooh. GREAT list and I love it with the pictures. It’s so real. I REALLY enjoyed it.
Twitter: bigguysmama
Hmmm, I don’t know that learned anything about being a parent this week! Well, we’re only 2 days into the week. =) Hmmm, I guess I did learn that explaining to my oldest son that I’ve had a really stressful day and that with the company coming over later I needed him to please, PLEASE try and get along with his brother, has ZERO effect. I suppose weeping in front of him might’ve helped?
~Mimi…who linked back to you in my Day 1 post
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:24 pm
just getting choked up when my girls frustrate me helps.
Twitter: projectalicia
Great lessons. Love that first one. I have two just like that. And you are so right, we are also learning. I’m learning that moments are going on with or without us and that we need to jump on board and enjoy the ride while we can. And kiddos grow up too fast. Thanks so much for dropping by for WW!
Twitter: makeitworkmom
I have the exact same Jillian DVD and yes, I ONLY do it with my girls!
It’s more at my level 
I love what you’ve learned this week! Came over from Wordless Wednesday for a visit.
This week I have learned that, even though it’s fun to travel around there’s no place like home….
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:16 pm
travel is great but there is always so much work before and after – way easier to just stay at home.:)
Twitter: StacieinAtlanta
You are sooo right about the Shred. My kids love it.
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:14 pm
there are enough bloggers doing Shred with their kids, we should have a Shred party at BlogHer.
Twitter: moneyandrisk
I’m on a non diet so that I can lose weight. I gain weight when I think the word diet.
I hit McDonald’s this morning for 2 Sausage McMuffins. Does it count that they are still sitting on my desk gathering dust?
Ramblings of a Woman Reply:
July 22nd, 2010 at 10:59 pm
Well mcMuffins, even sausage, are better than biscuits! And the best choice for breakfast at McDs is the egg mcmuffin, about 300-350 calories!
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:12 pm
And if they are sitting on your desk gathering dust, they I think your will power has to be burning calories. Your diet is working better than mine
Bribery is a good trick
Twitter: motheringmayhem
Love #3 – it’s so true! My soon-to-be third grader & I still have reading aloud time because otherwise she’d never finish the book!
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:04 pm
I don’t remember ever pretending to read when I was little. I’m guessing I must have if Jade isn’t the only one
Twitter: tatterscoops
What a fun list! Your children are adorable. Btw, I miss Denny’s LOL
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:03 pm
what? Indonesia doesn’t have a Denny’s???
This was a fun list! I’m slowly (very slowly) learning that’s it’s ok to let my 2.5YO pick her own clothes and shoes and it’s ok if she doesn’t match. She’s exerting independence and it’s ok!
Twitter: broccolicupcake
So funny! Love these lessons. I need to try the last tip in our house. Not sure it will work yet since our youngest is only 2, but it’s worth a shot!
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:02 pm
with your youngest being 2, this should totally work. you just have to pick an activity focused on the 2 year old.
Twitter: opinionatedant
Great pictures to go with list. What you mean Denny’s at 2AM is no good? I hear you I’m on a diet but when I drove my sister through the drive thru this morning you know I got something too.
Your kids should have pretended to be Men in Black and wipe their fighting from your memory
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 22nd, 2010 at 2:35 pm
I so wish I could wipe her memory of MIB- we’ve been up every night this week “scared”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amy Andrus Sanford, Amy Andrus Sanford. Amy Andrus Sanford said: I've learned some valuable lessons this week. I'd love to hear what you have learned too. #31DBBB […]
I’m visiting from twitter and 31DBBB. I loved this post. Especially your points about 30 day shred (I have that one) and MIB.
Lately I have been learning not to underestimate my children. They are capable of a lot!
I like your blog
I’ll be back!
Sadly, I think there are very few restaurants that are good for the diet.
Twitter: familytrifecta
July 19th, 2010 at 10:47 pm
Dieting is no fun and restaurants don’t help